Washbasin with mirror and stool

Barrier-free washbasins can be used flexibly - they can be used both sitting and standing. In order for the washstand to be suitable for a wheelchair user, it must be accessible by at least 55 cm.

Equipment products

Shelves, sockets and fittings must be within the immediate reach of the user. Soap dispensers, waste garbage cans, hand dryers must be located in the area of the washstand and stand out from their surroundings in a visually contrasting manner.


The mirror above the washbasin must be visible for a sitting as well as a standing person - this is especially easy to achieve with a mirror that reaches up to the washbasin. Care must be taken to ensure that the lighting is as glare-free as possible.

Moving surface

The movement area in front of the washbasin should 150 x 150 cm.

WC area System 900 stainless steel
At the WC

To ensure that the WC can also be used by a wheelchair user, the toilet bowl should be sufficiently deep. This ensures that if the wheelchair is approached from the side, the seats are next to each other, thus enabling a transfer from the wheelchair to the toilet. In addition, a lateral space requirement of at least 90 cm is required for this. In front of the WC, an appropriate movement area for manoeuvring with a wheelchair should also be planned.

Shower and WC area System 900 stainless steel
In the shower

The shower area must be wheelchair accessible. For this purpose, the shower must be level with the floor and should have a corresponding movement area. Shower seats facilitate independent showering. The decisive factor for the seat height is the foot contact to the floor. This is particularly important for safe sitting and should be guaranteed at all times. The best solution is a fitting that can be reached from the side while seated.